Sam Savage entra no noso Club de Lectura coa súa fantástica obra, Firmin.
- 01
- Mai
- 24
Firmin, o docto protagonista da novela de Sam Savage, é tamén unha alimaña urbán. Eso sí, unha personaxe culta, introspectiva, leal, observadora e comprensiva. Para calquera que teña vivido una vida de libros ou a estea a construir, Firmin é un de nós, nós somos Firmin. A lectura é a sua graza, o seu alimento literal e metafórico, o seu refuxio e inspiración intelectual.
Invitados quedades a coñecer a Firmin a través da lectura e vir falar da experiencia de facelo. Reunirémonos o día 30 de Maio, ás 16:30, na Biblioteca.
“Sometimes the books were arranged under signs, but sometimes they were just anywhere and everywhere. After I understood people better, I realized that this incredible disorder was one of the things that they loved about Pembroke Books. They did not come there just to buy a book, plunk down some cash and scram. They hung around. They called it browsing, but it was more like excavation or mining. I was surprised they didn’t come in with shovels. They dug for treasures with bare hands, up to their armpits sometimes, and when they hauled some literary nugget from a mound of dross, they were much happier than if they had just walked in and bought it. In that way, shopping at Pembroke was like reading: you never knew what you might encounter on the next page — the next shelf, stack, or box –and that was part of the pleasure of it.”
― Sam Savage, Firmin
“It was soon painfully clear that when he looked at me what he mainly saw was a cute animal, clownish and a little stupid… He had no inkling of my true character, that I was in fact grossly cynical, moderately vicious, and a melancholy genius, or that I had read more books than he had.”
― Sam Savage, Firmin
Rosa María Villar Villamil
Coordinadora del Equipo de Biblioteca